What is it?:
Surgical operation to correct cryptorchidism (hidden testis; undescended testis, maldescended testis, ectopic testis)
When is this operation required?:
This operation is required when a child is diagnosed with cryptorchidism, that is, the testis’ position is too high and suboptimal for normal development. The operation is recommended to be performed as early as the first year of life (preferably 6 to 12 months of age) as evidence supports the need for an ideal environment for development of sperm-producing cells.
How is it performed?:
The management strategy depends on whether the testis is palpable before surgery. For palpable testis, conventional orchidopexy is indicated. This is usually performed as an elective day surgery procedure under general anaesthesia. A skin crease inguinal incision is made on the side of cryptorchidism. The testis, vas deferens, testicular blood vessels are identified. An adjacent patent processus vaginalis is usually identified and ligated. Adequate mobilization of the vas deferens, testicular blood vessels would enable the testis to be relocated into the scrotum. The testis is then fixed to the scrotum with an anchoring stitch. Postoperative recovery is usually rapid with early resumption of activities. For non-palpable testis, after confirmation with an ultrasonographic scan, diagnostic laparoscopy may be used to locate the testis in the abdomen. Appropriate measures will be advised based on the findings at laparoscopy.