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1. Tumors of the Adrenal Gland (Other than Neuroblastoma). CH Chui, B Rao, S Molagool, KW Gow. Pediatric Oncology (Surgical and Medical Aspects) Edited by DK Gupta, R Carachi, Published by Jaypee Brothers, N Delhi.1st Edition (2007)

2. Benign Liver Tumors. S Molagool, B Rao, CH Chui, KW Gow. Pediatric Oncology (Surgical and Medical Aspects) Edited by DK Gupta, R Carachi, Published by Jaypee Brothers, N Delhi.1st Edition (2007)

3. Malignant Liver Tumors in Children and Adolescents. KW Gow, CH Chui, S Molagool, B Rao. Pediatric Oncology (Surgical and Medical Aspects) Edited by DK Gupta, R Carachi, Published by Jaypee Brothers, N Delhi.1st Edition (2007)


Dr Chui Chan Hon
Surgery Centre for Children Pte Ltd

3 Mount Elizabeth #06-08,
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, Singapore, 228510

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